
Ovi Store Game Review Memory Tester Touch Phone

Not all Ovi Store games were developed to be played in a slouch. Memory Tester Touch is a memory game to test even the most powerfully-minded Nokia gamers. There’s a horde of memory games out there on the Ovi Store. How does Memory Tester Touch compare? Read our review to find out. Phone.

The uncompromising Memory Tester Touch is a free Ovi Store game with one simple aim – to test your memory. And it does exactly that. Just that, actually. Starting up the game, it loads up instantly. Phone.

You’re met with a blue grid with nine red squares in rows of three. Your aim is to tap the squares according to the sequence displayed before you. To play, hit the round play button below the grid. Doing so makes a a square light up. Just tap it. Doing so will make another light up in addition. Tapping again will add another to the sequence, and keeping doing so until you tap the wrong square in the sequence and have to start all over again. The idea being to notch as high memory score as possible. Your current score is always displayed on a scoreboard above the action zone. Phone.

There isn’t much else to Memory Tester Touch. It’s a memory game – a well presented one, mind. The interface is clean and sharp, unlike some you’ll come across on the Ovi Store, making it that smidgen more pleasant to play. Phone.

Memory Tester Touch does exactly what it promises. But like most memory games, once you’ve played one, you’ve pretty much played them all. But for something more challenging, Phone.
